Get Them Fixed!
Community Cats United, Inc. supports Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) as a humane method to reduce cat overpopulation. We also support spay and neuter prior to adoptions. Our goal is to humanely reduce, through spay and neuter, the number of community cats who are unowned, living outdoors and having litter after litter.
The use of adoption agreements/contracts and spay/neuter vouchers does NOT ensure that animals will be fixed. In fact, sadly they often are not.
Since we all need to do our part, we do not allow adoption/rehoming posts for animals without spay/neuter.

Your Support
is Powerful!

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
All deductions are tax deductible
as allowed by law
Our TNR Coloring Book
Downloadable TNR Factsheets
Talking to people about Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and need a handout to give them? Here are some downloadable fact sheets from our friends at For All Animals.
If you would like to customize to add your group's name, a Word doc can be emailed to you by requesting it at: liz@forallanimals.org